Behind every PeerForward team is a dedicated educator who steps up to act as an Advisor.
Brian Wenk, a longtime PeerForward Advisor and Social Studies teacher at Laurel High School, has seen firsthand the transformative powers of PeerForward. During a recent Fall Training Camp we discussed the challenges his PeerForward team faces, how they overcome them, and what he does as an educator to support their efforts:
How did you come to be an Advisor for your school’s PeerForward team?
I came about this program when the principal secretary called me up eight years ago and said, “can you go on this field trip with a group of kids?” They needed someone to accompany the Peer Leaders to their Summer Workshop, and I was available that weekend, so I said “sure, I can do it!” I ended up falling in love with the program!
For many years, I was doing it as a club after school, grabbing time here and there. Finally, these last three years, I’ve built it as a class with the help of the principal secretary. I was able to build up student interest, and now the kids are taking the lead. They’ve totally taken ownership of the team!
What is one thing that makes you proud of your 2024-25 Peer Leaders?
Their diligence, alacrity, and willingness to step up to heed the call. I was particularly impressed with the three juniors that are here with me today. They just learned about PeerForward starting on the first day of class. I’m also impressed by the seniors who participated in the 2024 Summer Workshop. I’m very proud of my whole team’s ability to take initiative and practice self-advocacy. They’re holding me accountable.
What is the biggest challenge your team is facing this year?
Honestly, I hate to say this, but some of the adults in the building who aren’t on board with the program will tell them “no, this is not what we’re doing.” That’s our biggest roadblock, honestly. I respect my fellow teachers, but it gets frustrating.
It goes back to my praise of my team’s alacrity, diligence, and perseverance. They don’t give up easily. They will come back to me if they are told no, and they will say “this is how we’re going to do this instead.”
What is one unwritten rule of being a PeerForward Advisor?
You need to have that passion and drive to advocate for your students as necessary. We do get a stipend to do this, but a couple of years I did it for free because I believe in this program. I see the bigger picture.
Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.