PeerForward in College
We Leverage Peer Power

From applications to graduations
PeerForward has over a quarter century of experience in high schools sending low-income students on their way to higher education. Now, we can see students through! PeerForward in College is our latest innovation. Since 2019, we have brought our new college model to both two-year and four-year colleges. Our goal is to reduce drop-outs and increase student success. Peer Leaders connect first-year classmates to academic resources, foster campus engagement, and provide financial aid reminders – keys to persisting to a degree. And we are already seeing promising results.

Our 4-Step College Model
Like our proven High School Model, this method also relies on student Peer Leaders to influence fellow students toward earning degrees, reducing inequities in higher education attainment.

Identify & Recruit Influential Students
For college partners, a PeerForward Coach supports 25 influential college students, employed (and paid!) by the college as advisors. These students are known as Peer Leaders. Peer Leaders are trained in advisement, leadership, and coaching.

Peer Leaders Mentor Classmates 1-on-1
Peer Leaders provide 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring for a caseload of 10 to 15 classmates predicted for non-completion. Through check-ins, interventions, and campaigns, Peer Leaders help their peers navigate and overcome the stressors of college life, reducing drop-outs.

Peer Leaders Activate Key Campaigns
The Peer Leaders execute three campaigns campus-wide to address college persistence, increase engagement, and broaden access for students to financial aid.

Track & Improve Results
Teams set campaign goals, identify metrics, and track their school’s progress using real-time data. From this, we know the PeerForward model’s measurable impact.
Peer Leaders Make Moves,
Activating Key Research-Driven Campaigns:
Academic performance can be influenced by everything from registering early for classes to selecting the best fitting pathway. Our Peer Leaders will connect students to tutoring and academic resources, advising appointments, and more.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required for need-based financial assistance, yet 2.2 million low-income students never file. Once in college, Pell-eligible college students who continue to file for aid have 122% higher odds of persisting than low-income students who fail to file.
Understanding the resources on campus is one thing; pursuing them is quite another. With a range of campus programs to address everything from academics to mental health, Peer Leaders help students to exercise their self-advocacy and build their sense of belonging on campus.
For each campus partner, PeerForward assigns a full-time staff specialist, or “coach,” to train and motivate Peer Leaders; ensure that all campus resources are identified, and that Peer Leaders are plugged in for real-time support. PeerForward also provides online training for career development and integrates with partner technology.
Peer Leaders Make Moves,
Activating Key Research-Driven Campaigns:
Academic performance can be influenced by everything from registering early for classes to selecting the best fitting pathway. Our Peer Leaders will connect students to tutoring and academic resources, advising appointments, and more.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required for need-based financial assistance, yet 2.2 million low-income students never file. Once in college, Pell-eligible college students who continue to file for aid have 122% higher odds of persisting than low-income students who fail to file.
Understanding the resources on campus is one thing; pursuing them is quite another. With a range of campus programs to address everything from academics to mental health, Peer Leaders help students to exercise their self-advocacy and build their sense of belonging on campus.
For each campus partner, PeerForward assigns a full-time staff specialist, or “coach,” to train and motivate Peer Leaders; ensure that all campus resources are identified, and that Peer Leaders are plugged in for real-time support. PeerForward also provides online training for career development and integrates with partner technology.
PeerForward Voices & Stories

More than a model,
Peer Power is a movement.
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