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Alumni Raulybel Perez Talks Life at Penn State and how she Inspires her Peers


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Meet this week’s Alumni Spotlight: Raulybel Perez! Raulybel attends Pennsylvania State University where she is majoring in finance and marketing and minoring in international business. During the 2024 Workshop season, she joined the Alumni Support Team where she acted as a marketing intern. We caught up with her to learn more about  how PeerForward shaped her perspective on college and why she continues to serve others:


Raulybel Perez at our 2024 NYC Workshop.

Why do YOU serve?

I served as a Peerforward Alumni because it helped me put into action what I’ve always dreamed of doing- reaching limits that my family did not have the opportunity to. Peerforward guided me onto a path where I was no longer fearful of applying to college, and helped me turn that fright into confidence.

What’s been the best part of attending your college/university?

The best part of attending my university has definitely been my personal growth. I am proud of the development I’ve experienced in all of the facets in my life, and I know things will only go up from here. Plus, there’s nothing like the pride of a Nittany Lion!

Raulybel Perez at our 2024 NYC Workshop.

How did PeerForward change your perspective of college?

Peerforward showed me that there’s more to education than what being a kid from inner city schools has taught me. Before the Workshop, I only knew that I wanted to go to college. By the time those 4 days were over, I had learned so much more about the application process, FAFSA, and how to determine if a college was for me or not based on some facts about the institution. Basically- they gave me the foundation that I stand on today. 

How have you been a positive influence on your peers in college?

I have been a positive influence on my peers in college by serving in multiple offices on campus. I am someone that others see as a resource and a guide. From event planning to leading new student orientations and being a resident assistant, I’ve learned that I love fostering environments where young adults feel like they can learn, grow, and have fun.

What’s one piece of college advice you’d offer Peer Leaders?

One piece of advice I would offer is this: Never forget that you are a person FIRST, and a student SECOND. Whatever it is you decide to do, whether it be college, the military, or trade school, do what you feel like is your purpose is life. You were all chosen as Peer Leaders because the leader in you should be showcased. Take that wherever you go and become the best version of yourselves. 

Raulybel Perez with her peers at Penn State.

Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.