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Fueling the PeerForward Fire on College Campuses with Fall Training Camps


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Peer Leaders at Broward College and Achieve Atlanta are trailblazers, breaking new ground as the first to serve the role of PeerForward Peer Leader on college campuses this year.  We’ve been thrilled to watch them shine in their Peer Leader roles after our initial training at Summer Workshops. As part of our commitment to ensure each Peer Leader is equipped with the resources, guidance, and tools to be successful in their leadership roles, we host seasonal training camps for both our high school and college PeerForward teams across the country.  

As such, our Broward College and Achieve Atlanta teams convened this November for high-energy Fall Training Camps in Florida and Georgia, led by our expert PeerForward Coaches Loubert Senatus, Tim Spicer, and Gabriel Figueroa. There, they practiced effective ways of checking in with their peers and went through the “Leadership ABC’s” to reflect on their leadership styles. At Broward College, Peer Leaders met with their faculty mentors, who are matched with Peer Leaders based on area of study. Faculty mentors and Peer Leaders shared introductions and worked to further develop their S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) goals for the school year. 

Now, these Peer Leaders are taking their new training and refueled PeerForward fire back to their campus to inspire and guide more peers to completing their degree and achieving career success.