For over 5 years, Lezlie McBride has acted as a Volunteer Writing Coach at various PeerForward Workshops. She graciously gives her time to Peer Leaders to help guide them in writing an impactful personal statement to help jump-start their college application process. We caught up with Lezlie to learn more about her Workshop experience and what drives her to serve.

What drives you to serve first-generation, low-income students?
Every year that I work with PeerForward, I feel this more and more strongly: the only way forward for our country, for our world, is to have as many diverse and well-educated voices in positions of power—making policy, running companies, sitting on boards—as possible. I hope my contribution at PeerForward helps make that more likely.
Please describe the impact of the PeerForward/College Summit volunteering experience.
Connecting with PeerForward students in a writing session is one of the most meaningful and satisfying things I’ve ever done. Helping students realize their personal story, seeing a student’s face when they understand their words are powerful and moving. . . I’m on a high for weeks after a Workshop!

In your opinion, why should low-income students pursue postsecondary education?
Education is the most reliable, predictable, and empowering way to success, no matter how you define it.
Want to be a volunteer like Lezlie? You can! Learn more and apply for the 2024 Workshop Season here.
Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.