This summer, PeerForward held four Workshops dedicated to training our Peer Leaders to uplift their fellow students and serve their community through three high-impact campaigns: Campaign Apply, Campaign Connect, and File FAFSA. At these Workshops, our Peer Leaders prepare for their future endeavors while unlocking new ways they can guide their classmates through the postsecondary planning process.

Over 4 days packed with activities and personal growth opportunities, our students stay on a college campus to give them a taste of life after high school should they pursue higher education. Throughout the 2024 Workshop season, PeerForward trained students from Bermuda, California, Florida, Hawai’i, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Along with them came 68 advisors. These dedicated educators took time out of their summer breaks to attend our Workshops so their students could take advantage of this opportunity!

To pull off 4 Workshops of this size, we could not do it alone. We were immensely lucky to be joined by a team of 65 dedicated volunteers, over 32% of which were Alumni of the program, to support our efforts and uplift our Peer Leaders. Because of their willingness to serve, 268 students received a personalized college list tailored to their unique needs and a personal statement developed with the input of both a volunteer and their peers.
We also welcomed our Alumni Support Team whose members acted as guides and a pillar of support for our Peer Leaders throughout the Workshop process. Our Alumni team was crucial to the success of our Workshops. Many of them served at multiple Workshops over the season. The impact they had on the students was palpable.

Our first Workshop was held at The University of Hawai’i, Manoa, serving Peer Leaders from five different schools that represent the spirit of the islands. Our second Workshop at Nazareth University showcased how Peer Leaders are sparking change across the country and beyond. Our Nazareth Workshop welcomed students from New York, Maryland, Kentucky, Florida, and Bermuda. Our third Workshop, hosted by the University of South Carolina, served even more of our Maryland, New York, and Florida Peer Leaders. The University of Redlands closed out our Workshop season in style. It was attended by Peer Leaders from all over the nation, including New York, Maryland, California, and Texas students.

By the end of their time with us, they had forged close bonds with other Peer Leaders from all walks of life thanks to our efforts to place students from multiple different regions together, even if it meant sending them to a campus that was far from home. Forming these connections and learning from one another is one of the many ways our Workshops enrich the lives and minds of our Peer Leaders.
At Workshops, our students received the leadership training they need to prepare them for their roles as Peer Leaders. They explored ways to strengthen their own PeerForward teams by assigning roles, delegating responsibilities, and discussing how they can best serve the needs of their peers and community. Our Writing Coaches and College Coaches helped them with personal development as well. In small groups, the students met with their Coaches and created a list of best-fit colleges and perfected their personal statements.
As we wrap up the 2024 Workshop season, we want to take a moment to thank everyone involved in making it possible. We hope to see you back again next year!